martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


Hey folks

My name is wilman ariza , im studiying graphic design
i like to create my own world in base of what i feel and what i want to express or communicate i think that is the reason why i chosse to study this carrear cause i love to explore others aspects of my creativity and what i   able to do ..
In my free time i like to do a lot of things like watch  movies and  search music, i like to listen "weird "music" is a kind of electroiniderockingpopalternative is a combination of diferents genders of music that i like , its kind of funy cuase sometimes i like to listen to a track and at the same time trie to feel it , no just listenig. for me every song have a particular taste that can make u feel better even if ur in bad mood , its like the sound track of every day of our life.
The paintings make part of  my lifestile too i like to be inspired whit great works of others artist and i hope some day be one of that amazings artist .
if u wanna chek my visual blog were y post most of my works and share others artists works this is the link
i hope u like it!

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